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Sunday, May 25, 2008

my jogging experience!!!

Well, basically jogging at canberra is pretty awesome.. because the scenary is super nice...
all the photos were taken when i was jogging.. in fact i only used my 2 mp hp camera.. haha

The lake nearby my campus... nice place huh??

It was quite dark that time i guess, around 5+??

My jogging shoe=footsul shoe.

yeah this is a willow tree..

which wan is the reflection?? top or bottom??

there is also 1 day where i think i saw like a comet?? meteor?? its either 1 of those or its a rocket or something.. but it was pretty awesome..

due to the fact that i am a smallville fan!! i was like "shit is the meteor gonna crash here?"
pls DO crash man!! then i can get special meteor powers!! lol...

Yeah, basically canberra is smth like this?? where there is beautiful place to jog.. wonderful place for sports.. butt he problem is there is not much entertainment around here..
not as hapening as melb or sydney! food also not as great as there though.. so there is its costs n benefits.


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